In a search to find other means to fund the One Dish Project, I didn't have to look past my coffee cup. The goal of the project is ultimately to build community relationships, as well as provide food to the people. The best conversations are had over a hot drink, with coffee and tea being the ones of choice. A search began for the highest quality coffee and tes possible. What I have found are the highest quality products to satisfy the biggest coffee critics and tea fanatics.
Our South and Central American coffee beans are certified organic, fair trade, and locally roasted. Each roast pays homage to the Rotinonsyon:ni Confederacy (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca) and our history.
Roasts include Eastern Door Espresso, Hiawatha Bold, Tadodaho Medium, Peacemaker Mild, and Jigonsase Decaffeinated. Roasts are only available in Shannonville, ON at Wavy, or at any Paranormal Investigation Tour

All of our tea is certified organic and fair trade, with the highest quality ingredients from North America to the Bazaar of Istanbul, and more. Our blends include New York Apple Spice, Elderberry, Japan Sencha Kakagawa, Peppermint, Izmir Chai Spice, and Double Cream Earl Grey.
Our "Sleeping Draught" tea is the only thing that can put those with sleep issues to sleep, and we'll be adding more functional teas and matcha soon. Only available at Wavy in Shannonville, ON or at any Paranormal Investigation Tour.