Tekaronianeken Chief Jake Swamp Kenha; Wolf Clan Mohawk Nation
The first video is in subtitles as it is spoken in Kanyen'kehaka, the videos contain messages that pertain to every person no matter their beliefs, views, aspirations, etc. The time is now to rise up for the next seven generations. They all speak with the messages and some are now the voices of our ancestors.
"Jake Swamp, Mohawk, or the People of the Longhouse/ Iroquois, shares part of the Journey of the Peace Maker. He is sharing this story at the 2007 Elders & Youth Gathering which was located on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana."
Faithkeeper of the Mohawk Nation Tekaronianeken, in Akwesasne. Tells crowd at the 2009 WINHEC (world indigenous nations higher education consortium) conference held in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory about the Peacemaker who is believed to be born on the Territory know known as Tyendinaga.

Elder Sakokwenionkwas Tom Porter, Bear Clan, Mohawk Nation
"This years speaker, Tom Porter, is of the Bear Clan from the Mohawk Nation at Akwesasne. He was raised by his grandmother, who spoke very little English. He came to Oneida to share a lifetime of her traditional teachings as well as other Mohawk Elders."