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Reclaiming Sovereignty

Writer's picture: The Credible MohawkThe Credible Mohawk

The White Stone Canoe Peace Project is a collaborative of different efforts which strive for the decolonisation and repatriation of Indigenous governance and sovereignty to the people on their lands that have been stolen in an imperial attempt at invasion, genocide, and assimilation for the resources contained there.

Water is life, not one person or people can own land just as we cannot control the winds that blow from the four directions or which star decides to flicker. The one thing that we can control is our identity, and we have been doing it for thousands of years based on three basic principles: peace, power, and righteousness. These are the foundation of the message that the Peacemaker, Tekanawita, delivered with Ayonwatha (Hiawatha) to form the influential and powerful Haudenosaunee Confederacy.

Based on the progression of the traditional way of life and law, celebration and ceremony, or however it may be you celebrate yourself and your Nation it takes more than one person or group to create a whole society. Now is time to rise up and support each other in every effort we can to improve the living conditions and bring truth to light about Indigenous people around the world, with the canoe as a vessel for peace, here are just some of the current projects:

  • Expedition Truth, Rebuilding Society

This is a physical model traditional community based on sustainable living with the base of educating the next 7 Generations on the medicines, foods, history (both past and current), ceremony, language, as well as a treatment center for mental health and addiction.

This space will have the ability to produce year round and give access to all the basic needs of the community as a whole

  • Whitestone Community

Working through an app in collaboration with 214aplha, this will enable the Mohawk to break free and claim their sovereignty and rights by creating a safe, secure place where the community can trade and flourish. The focus of 214alpha is based on Indigenous prophecy, and so the Two Rows are now flowing together side by side without interference as proclaimed in the treaty between the Haudenosaunee and Dutch. This will enable the goods grown to be accessible to anyone that is a part of the Whitestone Community project

  • Elderberry Stories

Call for stories from Indigenous Elders from around the world, have their voices heard in this new series ~ Without their wisdom we would not be here today ~ send their stories to

  • Credible Wampum

Weekly public access stream about the history of wampum and the significance of its use in record keeping, historical and current importance, and why it is relevant for people of all races.

Each of these efforts is just one more paddle in the water to keep the canoe moving forward, we are the people and will not be oppressed any longer. This is a message to all that have been invaded and are still here to rise up, our time is now.

Subscribe to The Credible Mohawk on YouTube to keep updated every Friday Night at 10:00pmET, also on Facebook Live; follow on Twitter @CredibleMohawk and Instagram and Facebook @TheCredibleMohawk

Support for the White Stone Canoe Peace Project can be made directly to

The time is now for the next 7 Generations

~Help build tomorrow, the time is now



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