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More Paddles in the Canoe

Writer's picture: The Credible MohawkThe Credible Mohawk

For nearly two decades I have been speaking publicly by organising events, facilitating workshops, travelling to education and language conferences, and teaching within the Secondary and Post-Secondary school settings. I have also had the opportunity to learn from many distinguished elders, youth, teachers, and all the people who were willing to help guide me down my learning path. My experiences have taken me into Anishinaabek territory where I am forever thankful that I was welcomed and guided on my learning journey building stronger foundations of understanding.

Throughout the course of my education and career, I have been consistently been involved in matters that directly affect the lives of Kanyen'kehaka, Haudenosaunee, and Onkwehonwe peoples in general wholeness and well-being. My experiences are not just with thought in a book or video on the internet, I have always directly involved with the matters of my people even when not being surrounded by a group of people, although this is one of my turtle traits. I will watch, listen, and wait until the time is right to speak up and remind some of the path of the Haudenosaunee and the Real peoples.

Along with many I have observed, dreamed, meditated, and found the time is now for the project of the people to move forward with strength in symbolism, history, truth, and peace. This is the White Stone Canoe Peace Project, intended to bring all knowledge of different indigenous peoples all over the world into a massive database and information hubs around the world where people are free to learn and do as they please and not fear for judgement of self expression.

With the intensive training, education, research, and traditional knowledge I intend to open the minds of many to help restore and build the foundations of Indigenous Identity, reclaim the sovereignty of the peoples, and decolonize the minds and lands for the next seven generations to flourish.

Through the teachings we stay humble, that is why it is hard for me to write about myself so I will leave my CV for all to see on the bottom of this post. Sponsoring the White Stone Canoe Peace Project is providing knowledge for all, with completed materials being made available for everyone around the world at the click of a button.

By email:

or cashier check:

Andrew Brant

c/o The Credible Mohawk

memo: WSCPP

Mailing Address:

Sha'tekayenton Andrew Brant - The Credible Mohawk

Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, Canada

K0K 1X0

Resume does not include some things such as writing and narrating plays for variety shows, experience on set of "The Song of Hiawatha" (1997) as a lacrosse player, and other acting, writing, production or directing experience.



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