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Kanyen'kehaka Resistance Exposes Genocidal Colonial Agenda To The World

Writer's picture: The Credible MohawkThe Credible Mohawk

Just returned from #1492landbacklane and after a full look over of Six Nations and #landback potential, well Canada, you're fucked. The war you have been waging is coming to a head, the lies and propaganda are being exposed. The colonial, land-grabbing, genocidal agenda for the Ontario Provincial Police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and all other colonial policing entities (Band and Tribal included) are being placed neatly in front of the world to see.

It has been a privilege for the federal government of Canada to exist here on Turtle Island even after all of the racist and prejudice genocidal atrocities continuously committed to Indigenous Peoples of this land.

From #MMIWG, #ResidentialSchools, #60sScoop up until even now by opening fire rubber bullets, kneeling on the necks of Land Stewards at #1492landbacklane during arrests (eyewitness account - same tactic that killed George Floyd) and removing them from their land and shooting them in the head with a taser with no offer of medical attention. There is no turning back because we are not tired nor worn thin but stronger and more alive than ever and just done with your bullshit.

It has come full circle, and your fears have come true. We are #StillHere and your papers mean absolutely nothing to us, you are breaching your own as well as international laws by not just the above mentioned but settling on the land soaked in the blood and tears of those people. We are taking the #landback to ensure the continuity of the natural world for the next #7generations to come.

Settlers, it is time for you to hold your government accountable for feeding you a false narrative for 155+ years and selling you land that did not actually belong to them to sell in the first place. It is time for you to #defendthedefenders and work with us to dissolve your illegal country of Canada and rebuild a better government that works for YOU under the direction of precolonial agreements such as the Two Row Wampum and Royal Proclamations.

Maybe they should dig a garden into each road at #1492landbacklane to show that this is real and that Canada needs to face the music it has been so ominously playing since before 1867.This has been war, and each of these incidents are a battle. This is the truth of "North America" or properly called Turtle Island.

If invasion happens to these Land Stewards in 6 Nations and injunctions and charges are upheld then we have no choice but defend our brothers and sisters, ourselves, families, and the next 7 generations against the continued imposition of your hierarchical governance that is written to intentionally deal with the "Indian Problem", promote false freedom, and piggyback off the resources of Turtle Island that the Indigenous Peoples have been tasked to maintain by creation itself.

Sha'tekayenton Brant



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