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Best Of Intentions

Writer's picture: The Credible MohawkThe Credible Mohawk

Defending the Great Law of Peace can come at any time without warning, because some attacks aren't even meant to be attacks at all, just extremely misguided. It would never occur to a person of the Haudenosaunee to discourage people from standing up for something, but at times we need to do just that in order to keep our integrity intact as the longest running form of democracy dating back thousands of years.

It is times of change and uncertainty such as the COVID19 pandemic that make many think hard to understand the concept of rights, freedom, and sovereignty. This begins the phase of truth, where the people start coming forth from the non settler state to claim safety under the Great Peace, and this has been done before when the Tuscarora joined creating what is now the Six Nations Confederacy.

Six Nations Belt

The Peacemaker’s message told of the white roots of peace spreading out in the four directions. That people who follow this message to the source will find the Haudenosaunee. When the new allies were accepted into the Haudenosaunee, it was said that the Haudenosaunee was expanding by adding new “rafters” and extending the union of peace. This belt illustrates the strong union of the 6 nations. Each nation equal under the laws of the Haudenosaunee. There is also the Two Row Wampum, The Haudenosaunee see the Two Row Wampum as a living treaty; a way that they have established for their people to live together in peace; that each nation will respect the ways of the other as they meet to discuss solutions to the issues that come before them

Two Row Wampum

Even so, this does not give any one person grounds to declare themselves a leader of any sort. This concept goes against the Great Law in every form as it is a matrilineal form of governance and the titles lay within the clan families and it is the women who appoint the Chiefs. This is embedded in the Kayanere'kowa:

Wampum 17

Clan Mothers To Hold Chieftainship Titles Via Wampum Strings

A bunch of certain shell (wampum) strings, each two spans in length, shall be given to each of the female families in which the. chieftainship titles are vested. The right of bestowing the titles shall be hereditary in the family of females legally possessing the bunch of shell strings and the strings shall be the token that the females of the family have the ownership to the chieftainship title for all time to come, subject to certain restrictions mentioned here.

Chateauguay for Black lives Matter.

Best Of Intentions

Let it be known this person is not representative of the Haudenosaunee, the first way you can tell is that they have appointed themselves as a Chief, our titles rest with the women in the families, they are the ones who appoint the Chiefs. All too often agents infiltrate legitimate groups like we saw here in Tyendinaga where a Self Appointed warrior has appropriated a traditional Men's Council to manipulate for benefit while working with the colonial police forces; also tried to break down solidarity at the Wyman Road Camp in February 2020.

They are currently running a Facebook page called "Okwaho Pravda" and has appropriated the title of War Chief for a non indigenous alliance. He goes by the name of "Ahsáre'kó:wa Oniehte Okwahó (Snow Wolf)".

In his own words "...Urban Kanien'kéhá:ka living in Montréal in Pierre fonds gave me that name. As for 207, Kawennahénte Lynne Norton, her husband Frank, plus a dozen others there know me in person. In the Warriors several more know me in person and even more know me indirectly and online. I was at the Kahnawake Adirondack barricades. I got interviewed by Iranian PressTV by email. I came to the barricades to support with food and water from myself as well as from some of my own allies. At one point I did a whole morning/night shift alone to watch over." which is written in the Facebook conversation which you can check out below:

After reaching out, I was able to contact Lynne Norton and her response was clear:

"He stalked me forever. People were fearful for me. I was never scared of him until he showed up at the Nation Office... I locked myself inside until help arrived and took him away. Then he found out I was married and things changed again it went political again. He has never ever met me nor my husband who knows barely anything of what he was doing to me. We never appointed him to anything or gave any name"

He did show up to the solidarity actions on Wyman Road in February where he was also turned away. "He showed up along with other non native at the rail blockade." says Lynne Norton. "They were all asked not to return. People knew who he was and what he was doing to me so they made sure he was to leave."

As for his appropriation of the Haudenosaunee views, they are a little bit askew, "This is about another fight, the Kalinago-Carib, my mother's Native ancestors. They are not matriarchal. Most people in Guadeloupe are mixed with Kalinago-Carib roots. Including my mother's family." Writes Pravda in his replies, yet for the Great Law to be implemented the structure would need to shift; they would be absorbed and he would have nothing to do with the process.

Kawennahénte (Lynne) goes on to say "He is not a bad man. He is delusional. He has 100% support behind us. But no one still likes or trusts him." Be aware, there is such thing as being an ally but there is also overstepping. His real name is Vladimir, and he is not trusted by the Keepers of the Eastern Door, Kanyen'kehaka.

Sha'tekayenton Brant

Kanyen'kehaka Wakenyahton (Mohawk Turtle Clan)

Kenhteke (at the bay, aka Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory)


1 komentārs

Ian Stewart
Ian Stewart
2020. g. 29. jūn.

I watched the conversation unfold on Facebook. He seems unhinged.

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