Our South and Central American coffee beans are certified organic, fair trade, and locally roasted. Each roast pays homage to the Rotinonsyon:ni Confederacy (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca) and our history.

Smooth and mild but full flavored at the same time. Toasted wheat notes and black cherry with a creamy smooth Dulce de Leche finish. This is a clean tasting coffee with no sourness or bitterness.

Smooth and mild with subtle black cherry, toffee, and caramel notes. A mild sweet floral-nutty finish with no bitter aftertaste which is neither heavy or oily.

Light notes of toffee and caramel in the beginning with a hint of black cherries. A mild sweet nutty finish with no bitter aftertaste and a 'clean' mouth feel that isn't heavy or oily with creamy smooth finish.

Earthy notes of toffee and caramel with a subtle hint of black cherry. With a smooth and creamy and clean dulche de leche finish.